Distance Sales Contract;

All users are deemed to have accepted that they have read and approved the sales agreement as soon as they complete their membership process.
Sales Agreement
It is the Sales Agreement in the Virtual Environment between Tese Moda and the Customer.
Terms and Conditions
Article - 1
The subject of this contract is the Protection of Consumers numbered 6502 regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the qualifications and sales price of which are specified below, which the BUYER has ordered electronically from the SELLER's website at the address “www.tesemoda.com.tr” (“Website”). It is the determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Law and the Regulation on Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette dated 27.11.2014.
Article - 2
Tese Moda (hereinafter referred to as ''TESEMODA'' or ''SELLER'')


Phone: 05343484166
Product Return and Exchange Address: MEHMET NESİH ÖZMEN MAH FATİH CAD TAVSANOGLU İS CENTER, Merter Sk., 34173- Merter-Güngören-İstanbul
E-Mail: tese.moda@gmail.com
Article - 3
All members: All buyers who are members of Tese Moda Company's e-commerce store www.tesemoda.com and shop. (hereinafter referred to as buyer or customer).
Article - 4
Goods/Products or Services; Type, Quantity, Brand/Model, Color, Number, Sale Price and Payment Method are as stated on the site, and these promises may change without notifying the buyer.

Article - 5

5.1. The BUYER, as stated on the Website, provides preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the product subject to the contract, the sales price including all taxes, the method of payment and the delivery, and that the costs of this will be borne by the BUYER, the delivery period and the full trade name, full address and contact information of the SELLER. declares that he has read and has information and gives the necessary confirmation in electronic environment.

5.2. The SELLER is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to the use of the Website or mobile application and other data and programs, due to breach of contract, tort, or other reasons. As a result of breach of contract, tort, negligence or other reasons; does not accept any responsibility for interruption of the transaction, error, negligence, interruption, deletion, loss, delay of the transaction or communication, computer virus, malfunctions in the telecommunication lines, communication error, theft, destruction or unauthorized entry, modification or use of the records.

5.3. The SELLER reserves the right to change, reorganize and stop broadcasting any service, product, terms of use available on the Website and/or Mobile Application and the information presented on the Website and/or Mobile Application without any prior notice. Changes take effect on the Website and/or Mobile Application on the date of publication. The Company recommends the BUYER to visit the legal warning page each time they enter the Website and/or Mobile Application. These conditions also apply to other linked websites.

5.4. The Website and Mobile Application may contain links or references to other websites that are not under the control of the SELLER. The SELLER is not responsible for the content of these sites or any other links they contain.

5.5. The SELLER, the general appearance and design of the Website and Mobile Application, and all information, pictures, all kinds of brands, Website domain names, logos, icons, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable forms on the Website and Mobile Application. is the owner or licensee of all materials (“Materials”) and related intellectual and industrial property rights, including technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method and business model, and the Materials are under legal protection. any Material on the Website and/or Mobile Application; It cannot be changed, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, uploaded to another computer, posted, transmitted, presented or distributed, including code and software, without prior permission and without reference. The whole or part of the Website and/or Mobile Application cannot be used on another website or mobile application without permission. In case of detection of any situation to the contrary, all other rights of the SELLER regarding civil and criminal liability, which are not expressly stated here, are reserved.

5.6. The personal information of the BUYER can only be disclosed to the official authorities if this information is duly requested by the official authorities and in cases where it is obliged to make a statement to the official authorities in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation.

5.7. The product subject to the contract is valid for each product, provided that it does not exceed 30 days from the date of order.